Friday, September 7, 2007

our life, for now

I thought I'd start off the blog by giving everyone a look into our life, now, in West Virginia. We're living in temporary housing, but it's beautiful and there is a part of me that doesn't want to leave. Here is a tour, in photos, of our place.

As Aaron demonstrates, we cross a little bridge off the driveway. We first made the mistake of driving over this rickety number, but soon learned that this was a very big mistake.

Here is the view of the creek (which they call a "run") from the bridge.

After the bridge, we walk the stone pathway. When we first arrived, we were warned about snakes, poisonous snakes in particular, so I usually make sure to stay on the stones.

We have a visitor.

And two more. These two fellows are Jesus and Krishna and they visit us often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your house is purple? You have a cat or is that a neighbor cat?