Thursday, March 20, 2008

Haiku Book Review

I had fun with the Faulkner, so I thought I would "Haiku Book Review" some of the books I've read since then. I am sure there are a million pages, a million blogs that do this, but I haven't seen them and for the time being I'm not googling it; I'm simply going to enjoy my great idea.

The Gastronomical Me - MFK Fisher
Eight courses or more
She remembers every meal
Memoir in food, yum.
The Heart of the Matter - Graham Greene
Gin gin gin gin gin gin gin
Scobie finds life hard.
Bright Lights, Big City - Jay McInerney
80s in New York
The C and the Second P...
the effect works here.
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
To Hell with Moscow!
Cat a compulsive liar
Devilishly fun.
Anyway, I'm not doing any of these books justice by doing this, they are much better than that. I've had a good run in the past few weeks: all good books.


Dusty said...

It's hard to give anything it's due justice in 17 syllables, however, it is fun.

Anonymous said...

this is wicked cool
i want to read the first one
more haikus please thx