Thursday, April 17, 2008

new favorite website

Here is a gem that I found a few weeks ago and haven't been able to get enough of: Stuff White People Like, a mlog (mock-blog?) documenting the elusive White American. Find out what he likes to eat, likes to think, and wants you to think about him. If you ever wanted to know what it's like to live in or around Cambridge, Massachusetts, this paints a pretty clear picture.
The best part is that a friend sent me the link to the New York Times "It's Not You, It's Your Books" article and I was like: "this is so true!" And then like three days later, they picked it up at SWPL and I had to eat my whiteness.


T said...

loved this satire on the denial of white ethnicity. Is this symbolic of another thingwhiteslike: psychiatric analysis addiction or possibly racial guilt angst? Perhaps the site will elicit a sister program to PBS's Basic Black, airing now,'Basic wwwww-white'? hmmmmm, seem to be struggling to verbalize the 'w' word.

I'm with you, couldn't get enough of the site!

Anonymous said...

I saw that guy who writes SWPL speak, he was kind of an asshole.He got 25 million hits in 3 months since he started it.

It was at that internet convention. not to me, but to the other people all he wanted to talk about was restaurants in the LA area.