Monday, May 26, 2008


We went to the local amusement park over the weekend (Kennywood Park in Pittsburgh). I hate flying, but I love roller coasters. Hmmm. We rode the coasters 6 times.

I also love carousels. I love the one in Central Park in NYC the best, because it's big and it goes really fast. I don't love that it's in a brick building, though. The one we went on yesterday was out in the open...we ate twist cones while watching it and then rode it...twice.

We tried to get our picture in the mirror, but realized that we

also stumbled on indisputable proof that carousels are for everyone.

Two words: Gummy Worms!


Anonymous said...

nice. you cant fall 38,000 feet from the air on fire on a roller coaster.

Dusty said...

You may have blackmail material on that guy if you ever get into a tussle with him. Unless the carousel industry has now been targeting the big, shaved head, tattooed men in tanktops demographic, I wouldn't picture that to be a place to see that guy.