Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Scary Kid

Today, a four year old explained to me that she was having a Star Wars-themed birthday, then furrowed her brow and said: "but Princess Leia isn't modest."

I'm not sure what to chalk these words of wisdom up to. You learn something new every day? Kids say the darndest whatever? Modesty is a hot-button issue for the four year old set? Just not sure.

To re-cap:
  1. Princess Leia: Not Modest
  2. Child: Kind of Scary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh shit. i know what i would say. first: good job having a "Real" star wars birthday and not some jar jar binks shit. second. her mother probably said that because she is jealous. princess leia is one - a princess she can do whatever she wants. two - shes fighting for her life and the life of the fuckin universe.

whatelse? thats it. plus they froze her boyfriend. its not her fault some huge slug did that. most of the time she is fully dressed. please ask this child what episode theme she is going for and go from there.

parent teacher conferences are in order.