Sunday, March 15, 2009

photo recap

Here is what's been going on:

I've been making these things. I call them "Bookworms." They hold your place open.

I gave this one to Meghan. I saw her a couple of weeks ago. I miss her.

We've been making a lot of soup. This one was a generic "Asian" mushroom soup. However, I think that soup season is coming to an end.

My husband is growing an afro.

My kitty is still cute.


Anonymous said...

I'm pissed soup season is coming to an end. I don't know what to make anymore. I've just been eating cheese like usual.

Dusty said...

Killer 'Fro!

barefoot in gitchigumee said...

I like the fro, and I think our husbands have the same shoes...soup is gone at my house too, last one was 17 bean and veggie, it did not all get eaten, good sign it is time to retire for now-