Thursday, November 15, 2007

welcome home

Last night we (finally) closed on the house. I made an effort not to blog about our adventures in finding a home because of what happened with the last house. I absolutely did not want to jinx this. But now, after finding the place just over a month ago, it's ours.

Our deck

We spent our first night there last night. We just filled up our backpacks and slept on an air mattress. It was a lot of fun and also really scary. I've gotten used to pitch black night and no sounds whatsoever (except for owls and coyotes). Elf, too. He didn't really know what to make of it and kept trying to sneak on the bed so he could be safe between us.

Our yard
We'll move all of our stuff in on Saturday. For the last few months we've been living out of suitcases. Before I moved I packed 8 shirts, 2 pants, 2 skirts in a suitcase and I've been wearing those clothes the whole time. We only unpacked the basics for the kitchen and bathroom and have just lived around boxes with all of our possessions in them. It will feel so good to unpack. I have this thing where I can't bring myself to check a book out of the library if I own a copy, so I've been reading the weirdest things in anticipation of unpacking my books.
This might be my favorite part of the house:

Our porch
The people who owned it before us really spent a lot of time on their front porch. Last night we even discovered that they have cable tv access out there! (Rather, we now have cable tv access out there.) It's all sealed in, so you're outside, but no one can see you. I can't wait to have my morning coffee on my porch.
My other favorite place is the basement because it's redone (and not smelly at all) and has a fireplace and we've decided to make it the library.
And all just in time for Christmas. I have been dreaming about decorating my own house for Christmas since the day I was born.


Jules said...

Wow, congratulations Amber and Aaron! More pictures? :)

Anonymous said...

wow amber. i am so happy for you. i am teary.