Sunday, December 9, 2007


I guess nearly a month without a post is long enough to force myself from my cozy, get on the computer, and blog my face off with a sincere hope that you haven't given up on me.
But I've been busy. Even though I was intending to write wonderful, vivid recreations the sands through the hourglass of my life for you, I'll just make one heaping recap post to save time and move on to exciting new things.
So, to start: Thanksgiving. Not a holiday I would say that I care about. However, when there is good food and good friends, I'm willing. We drove up to Ann Arbor where Dana and Neal cooked the best Thanksgiving meal I've ever had. Seriously, they're the best cooks I know. Bourbon glazed turkey, people. When I die, I hope that Dana and Neal are the cooks in heaven.
Next: we built a fence for Elf. This doesn't seem as exciting 3 weeks later. I think I was planning this huge "we're a family doing home improvements on the weekends" post, but I'll spare you. However, we built a fence and it's pretty awesome.
Next: we got our Christmas tree (I am going to save this for a separate post).
Next: Joe and Kat came to visit. We had a really great time; we went hiking, we made amazing pasta, for the first time since we've been here we checked out the local bar scene and it was horrifying. $5 at the door gets you all you can drink. Ummm...Joe and Kat had a long, excruciating flight home, I'm sure.
And there is more but it suddenly doesn't seem that important. So whatever. Those are the amazing reasons why I haven't blogged/what I would have blogged about. And now, for Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blog your mother fuckin face off