Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In November

In November, the smell of food is different. It is an orange smell. A squash and a pumpkin smell. It tastes like cinnamon and can fill up a house in the morning, can pull everyone from bed in a fog. Food is better in November than any other time of the year.

-Cynthia Rylant, In November

puff pastry leaves with goat cheese and caramelized onions


T said...

Recipe please! You know I am culinarily challenged.It looks wonderful and festive.

cloudberryjam said...

you caramelize onions (I cut them into little square pieces so that there wouldn't be any hanging bits when you bite into them), add a little salt and pepper. You can also add mushrooms to the onions, if you want. Again, small square pieces. Roll out the puff pastry, cut it with a cookie cutter, place the onions in the center, add a generous helping of goat cheese, lay another leaf over the top and seal it with an egg wash. Bake it for like 20-25 mins until golden.

I've also tried spinach and feta filling that is good, too.

Anonymous said...

holy shit how did i miss this one.