Saturday, March 21, 2009

Signs of Spring

I took some time to wander around the yard a little to see how spring was coming along.

Tons of crocuses are out. I feel like I didn't even notice them last year.

This one is growing where he shouldn't (in the herb garden bed). I wonder how he got there.

We have several forsythia bushes in our yard. Some are in full bloom, others are waiting.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Teach by Example

This comes at a very important time. I was just talking to Aaron about this a couple of weeks ago, asking "why aren't they telling us how to survive? Why aren't they telling us to grow gardens?" They are.

Fan Questions

Meghan Writes:

have you considered an herb garden? I would love to do that. I have a sick stomach and my nose is a little raw from the cold i had (is well now!) and was like, I would love some mint. It is a creeping plant though but who the hell cares, you know?


Hey. Yeah, we have some herbs. We have wild mint growing in our front yard. We transplanted some to the back and it seems to be growing out there, too. It's nice because it keeps coming all much so that Aaron weed whacked it twice, and in a couple of weeks it was back again. I usually put it in ice water with some lemon slices.
We also have wild dill growing in the back yard. It's awesome.
And we planted some basil, but unfortunately, we only used a little of it and then it went to seed. We still tried making pesto from it, but it didn't turn out that great.
Anyway, we have this special little garden box about 3 feet squared built up with large stones in the middle of the back yard that is perfect for herbs. That is where we housed the basil last year. I'd like to try lavender. I have killed every attempt at rosemary, though.
When we were in Somerville, Aaron constructed an elaborate window box holder, and we used to grow so many herbs in that on the third floor. We probably could have grown cherry tomatoes, too, because the window box we had was pretty deep.

My seedlings are coming up nicely. The pea tendrils are already about 3 inches long...growing almost an inch a day in the past two days! I know you're supposed to plant peas early, but I'm scared to because we're still having cold nights. My chard, lettuce and tomatoes are up, too.

I'm really excited about my garden this year. Last year was a test, and this year I think I know how to improve it. Now I just need to figure out a way to keep people out of it. We're going to have to build the fence higher and keep a lock on the door. People stole over 100 of our tomatoes last year. We got to eat about 7 of them. :(

Sunday, March 15, 2009

photo recap

Here is what's been going on:

I've been making these things. I call them "Bookworms." They hold your place open.

I gave this one to Meghan. I saw her a couple of weeks ago. I miss her.

We've been making a lot of soup. This one was a generic "Asian" mushroom soup. However, I think that soup season is coming to an end.

My husband is growing an afro.

My kitty is still cute.