Tuesday, October 9, 2007

apple picking blues

I'll have to share this picture from last year because it doesn't look like I'll be picking any apples this year. For a second I thought that I was being quaint and New England. That maybe pick-your-own in a yuppie/crunchy/Arlington, MA thing to do while wearing your Merrell shoes and pushing your kid in a $500 stroller. However, I did research and there are orchards here, but just no apples.

It seems that this part of the country had a late frost in the spring which killed all of the apples. usually we go every year, pick way too many, and keep them until they go bad. Aaron doesn't even like to eat "raw" apples. But there is something about going to an orchard, getting a cup of apple cider and an apple cider donut, then spending the afternoon finding the prettiest apples that sort of ushers in the fall for me. It just seems so weird that before we'd have to drive for 45 minutes to get out of the city enough to find a place to pick apples, and now we're living in the country and there aren't any.

Autumn is my favorite season besides (early and mid) winter. I love that the temperature finally gets colder, that I can wear real clothes and outfits again (it seems that in the summer time I am constantly just piecing together garments that are light enough to keep me cool, I don't really have "summer clothes" that look any good so I usually go around looking like that homeless lady with the huge dreadlock in Harvard Square, I swear she and I were wearing the same outfit in mid-July). I am a scarf person. I'll take any opportunity to throw one on and usually wear one from September to May if I can.

Also, there isn't any question that Autumn has the best food, by far. Pumpkin flavored everything. You can start making soup again (thank god). Comfort foods start making their way back into your dinners because fall is cozy. Chicken pot pie, people. Sam Adams Oktoberfest.

However, it's been too hot here to think of any of that. I tried wearing a scarf and nearly had a heat stroke. No way am I making soup in this humidity unless someone is dying. It better start turning soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

raw apples? what about apples and cheese; only time ill drink white wine. how can somebody have a 500 dollar stroller I don't understand. is it made out of onyx and alabaster and velvet, maybe with four wheel drive, you can strap it onto your moped. they have apples at the supermarket. you want to pick apples? get on your moped stroller and drive. ill pick you up...hell i'll mail you apples. oktoberfest beers are my favorite. they should make a sampler. do they have sam adams there? they had it out west. if not, i am sorry.