Tuesday, October 16, 2007

PBS weekend

Aaron and I decided to take our first trip up to Pittsburgh last weekend. It was totally as glamorous as it sounds. We took in a museum, went out for lunch, and went to Trader Joes to stock up on our favorite things (and then felt guilty for spending money and only bought 1/2 of what we wanted).

Pittsburgh is actually a really beautiful, hilly city with charming old houses and a lot of local color. The number of colleges made it feel a little like Boston. The number of Delicatessens made future trips look very promising.

First, we went to the Andy Warhol Museum. He was born and raised in Pittsburgh. It was a good museum, but I would say they kind of just have a lot of the leftovers, not really the good, good stuff (maybe there is no such thing?). I wouldn't call myself a fan of Warhol, but I did see the PBS American Masters special and it gave me a new appreciation for what he was trying to do by uniting consumer culture and art. So, because of the show, I thought we'd check it out.

Here's us in the Pillow Room:

Next, we went to Essie's Original Hot Dog Shop, or as the locals call it, The Dirty O. This is another PBS-influenced decision. I've watched Rick Sebak's documentaries on the best hot dogs and sandwiches across the U.S. more times than I should admit (whenever they come on I just can't turn the channel). In his A Hot Dog Program, he featured The Dirty O and so we had to go.
It was like a heart attack in a bun. Afterwards, we limped back into the car and went to TJs. After doing this to ourselves, shopping wasn't nearly as fun. Next time we'll shop then eat.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

shop then eat is a good idea. dirty O sounds like a sex act. but those hot dogs look good. Moma has all the good shit. also there are a lot of private collectors. I want to go to this place. I lovez me a sammich.

Anonymous said...

also i just noticed the links. i would like to see this show.