Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Day with an Elf

This is Elf. He's a Border Collie. He loves chasing things, herding things, cuddling, sneaking onto the couch, smiling, trying a little taste of the kitchen garbage when we're not looking, having his belly rubbed, watching cats on YouTube, using his claws like fingers, pumpkin, singing along to the volunteer fire dept. siren and Aaron's guitar, acting willful yet obedient, and discretely letting us know who is boss. And us.

a man and his dog

He hates his face touched, going outside at night, not being let on the bed, sleeping in the bathroom, when you pull the leash to get him out of the way of cars, when you step over him to get around him, crunchy things, and bananas.

We're doing our best to spoil him rotten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT. that dog is so cute. i miss you guys a lot. if elf likes you tube cats, show him the lolcats on icanhascheezburger. that is going to be my haloweeen costume. that dog is radical. and i never use that word.