Monday, May 25, 2009

Almost Instant Gratification

I spent this weekend finishing up the rows for the garden and getting everything in and planted. It was quite a process…I started before Easter. It feels good to get that huge task taken care of, and just as the hot weather is settling in, too. It's already doing better than last year. I'm really using what I learned last year to improve things and I can already see the changes. We’ve already been enjoying our first garden lettuce.

Planted Easter weekend and ready for the past week, we've been picking as needed, and it sure is lovely. Everything else has a long way to go, but it's nice to get something from the garden so soon. It makes all of the work worth it.

Lettuce is really easy...everyone could have lettuce growing, even in apartments. A window box of this or a pot on your porch would be such a nice summer treat. It's so soft and delicate. A bowl of this sprinkled with oil and vinegar and a glass of Riesling. Yes.

I have to say that the garden is pretty much solely my project this year. We've reached a silent agreement that Aaron would do most of the yard work and I would tend the garden. Which I think we're both okay with. Aaron hates weeding. I hate the noise of the mower. Last year, we had a reel mower. We really tried with that thing. But our lawn is just to big for that much work. Dang. We were killing ourselves. So now we're guiltily using a regular push mower we found on Craigslist and composting the clippings or using them as mulch. Oh well. We can't do everything. But for now, we'll eat our lettuce and be happy that our energy is now going into growing, rather than cutting the lawn.

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