Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight!

I have had major flight delays and cancellations on the last three trips I've taken. Each time, I've had to stay overnight because of a missed connecting flight. This last time, I was kicking myself because I thought a simple flight to Portland, OR would not require provisions. Had my hours of playing Oregon Trail taught me nothing? Boy, was I wishing for a care package at 3am in the Seattle Airport*. Needless to say, as I was sitting there stewing -- tired and hungry and dirty -- I started a list of things I will take with me in my carry-on luggage from now on. I thought I would share, for all you vagabonds out there:

1) Extra underwear. 2 pairs.

2) Toothbrush and travel toothpaste.

3) A change of clothes. If you are traveling on business, make it a nice change of clothes in case something happens to your bags and your meeting is the next morning. Seriously. See below.

4) Travel pillow.

5) Light blanket. I'm pretty sure they keep the airport in Seattle at a toasty 32 degrees. I was trying to cover my legs with a cardigan while curled into the fetal position. Next time, I'll bring a little lap blanket.

6) Eye Coverlet. This is always a carry-on must for me. As my friend Jen once wrote: "The horse needs blinders."

7) Chapstick, mascara, and any other personal care product that will at least upgrade your resulting appearance from zombie to undead.

8) Snacks. Most airport snack shops are closed between 12am-6am.

*Actually, long afterward, as well, because they lost my luggage. And then I fell in the mud (no joke).